Isolation of Glycoproteins from Human being Peripheral Nerve Human being peripheral nerve was obtained at autopsy within 8?hr after death from individuals who also died from non neurological disease and was kept frozen at ?70C (Division of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Ss

Isolation of Glycoproteins from Human being Peripheral Nerve Human being peripheral nerve was obtained at autopsy within 8?hr after death from individuals who also died…

The possibility of the different MCF virus causing the outbreak was also eliminated by extensive sequencing of positive amplicons from both broader-specificity PCR assays (AlHV-1/AlHV-2 and DNA polymerase) and negative results of specific PCR assays for AlHV-1, deer MCF, and OvHV-2

The possibility of the different MCF virus causing the outbreak was also eliminated by extensive sequencing of positive amplicons from both broader-specificity PCR assays (AlHV-1/AlHV-2…